About Us

Who We Are

OIAA is comprised of independent aggreate quarry owners and operators and other interested parties dedicated to promoting the aggregate industry by clarifying and simplifying regulatory restrictions, providing educational and training opportunities to assist with MSHA and state agency compliance, and furthering the ability of the aggregate industry to operate in a free enterprise environment.

History of OIAA

In October of 2008, a group of independent quarry owners and operators met in Eugene, Oregon, with a single purpose and vision: to establish a forum for independent quarry owners and operators to address the unique set of issues and challenges faced by independent quarry ownders and operators and put a plan in motion to address their unique issues and challenges.

Purpose of OIAA

OIAA is committed to uniting the voices of independent quarry owners and operators and directing a unified effort that will be heard in Salem and in Washington D.C. on key issues such as:

MSHA Regulation

Every owner/operator wants to operate in a safe manner and protect valuable personnel resources. However, lack of clarity in enforcement policies, costly adjudication, and an approach that is punitive rather than preventative all threaten valuable jobs and drive up the cost of the raw product needed to maintain Oregon’s transportation infrastructure, build schools, commercial and residential structures.

High Cost of Doing Business

Workers Compensation rates and the ability of large companies to self-insure, impacting the cost and availability of insurance, requirements to upgrade heavy equipment, permitting costs and requirements for the biological assessment are just a few of the costs that impact the profitability of aggregate quarries.

Agency Requlations

State agencies such as DOGAMI, DEQ, BOLI, Department of Fish and Wildlife, LCDC, Water Resources, and the expanding jurisdiction of the Oregon Divsion of State Lands, in conjunction with the Army Corp of Engineers, to name a few, represent multiple layers of requlatory authority and repetitive and expensive permit applications with each agency.

Public Sentiment

The NIMBY (not in my backyard) philosophy which hinders siting and operation of quarries, even in the face of Oregon’s “Right to Mine” laws